Hard Water Headaches: Unmasking the Problems!
Unveil the negative consequences of hard water on your household and personal comfort. Elevated mineral content, particularly calcium and magnesium, results in the accumulation of limescale in pipes and appliances, diminishing their effectiveness. Fabrics exposed to hard water fade in color and softness over time. Additionally, hard water can deplete the skin's natural oils, leading to dryness and irritation. Embrace an effective remedy to these challenges and enhance your lifestyle with cutting-edge water softening technology. Get 3M Fully Automatic Water Softener to have healthy water for your home.
Why get 3M Fully Automatic Water Softener
Effortless Maintenance
Fully automatic, use Ion-exchange technology, and regenerate automatically while you sleep.
Appliance Protection
It prevents internal damage and corrosion in water-using appliances, extending their lifespan.
Health Benefits
The soft water produced protects your hair and skin from the harmful effects of hard water.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a water softener and why do I need this?
Water softeners are needed to reduce the high hardness of water and to make it soft, suitable for usage in our homes. Hard water causes Scaling and impacts our health and aesthetics of water using appliances.
What is hard water and how will Softener treat this?
Calcium and Magnesium ions in water make the water hard. Water softeners work on the Ion exchange principle. Calcium and Magnesium ions are exchanged with Sodium (Common Salt) ions. Water Softeners reduce hardness levels by up to 90%.
What are the bad impacts of hard water?
Hard water forms scaling on bathroom fixtures. Hair fall, skin irritation & skin rashes may also be observed. Hard water uses Higher electricity consumption, and impacts the aesthetics of bathroom and kitchen fixtures. It also lowers the higher life of all water-using equipments.
Is softener-treated water good for drinking & cooking purposes?
Softeners do not treat or reduce microbiological contamination in water. If your water has any impurities including microbial contamination you will still need to use a drinking water system that removes bacteria.
Which salt is used by softeners. Is it bad for consumption, especially for hypertension cases?
Normal crystal salt or salt tablets are used in the softener during the regeneration process. This does not have any direct impact on us as the amount of sodium intake via water is very negligible.
What is the difference between water conditioners/ magnetic treatment (Redox) and water softeners?
Water softeners are ideal and effective for removing hardness from water. Water conditioners are not effective as softeners since they do not remove the hardness completely.
How are 3M softeners better than other softeners available in the market?
3M softeners use high-quality food grade resin which keeps the water safe for usage. 3M softeners are equipped with a fully automatic multi-port valve with a high degree of diagnostic tools and accuracy of data.
3M uses food-grade raw material on all its wet parts and not industrial-grade raw material. 3M softeners have long resin life and higher efficiency of filtration (up to 1200 regenerations and 5-micron filtration) There is no resin depletion in 3M softeners and this saves on yearly resin top-up costs and ensures consistent output. 3M has a lower cost of ownership because of 40% to 60% lower cost/liter in comparison to competition models.
What are the ideal water hardness levels for domestic use?
Water hardness level up to 60 ppm* is considered soft water. When water hardness is above 60 ppm water hardness treatment systems are recommended.
Why should I use a softener instead of RO treatment plant?
RO treatment plants waste up to 80% of water while water wastage from softeners is less than 10%. Flow rate of RO plants in general is very limited and consumes high electricity due to continuous working. RO will have high recurring costs as well. while water wastage from softeners is less than 10%.
Can we install Softeners directly in the borewell line?
Never use softeners directly in the borewell line. This could damage your borewell due to the excessive back pressure generated due to pressure/flow gaps that may occur during the softener working. 3M authorized representative will guide on installation options during the site visit.
Who will help me on after sales or preventive maintenance?
3M has a dedicated toll free number for all kind of after-sales service requirements.
(Call us on: 1800 425 425 000, Email: 3mservice.in@mmm.com).
3M has dedicated service specialists across cities. We also offer Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) plans for purchase by customers depending upon their requirements.